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Alegion Water Ltd Offer 

Legionella Testing & Water Analysis

Alegion Water Ltd offer a comprehensive suite of UKAS accredited laboratory tests, these include :-

Legionella UKAS Test.

ACOP practice approved sampling and water analysis of environmental samples for the detection of legionella bacteria and other waterborne pathogens commonly found in man-made water systems.


ACOP practice approved sampling and water analysis of environmental samples for the confirmation of drinking water quality. Testing for bacteria and other waterborne pathogens commonly found in man-made water systems.

These postal sampling packages cost £59 + vat and include two tests one from the hot supply the other from the cold. It includes bottles, pre-paid postage, and a comprehensive guide & of course, UKAS accredited analysis email upon completion 

The periodic sampling demonstrating that adequate control over a water system is being achieved.Our specialist water quality analysis services have been developed to support and enhance the environmental risk management activities of our clients around the world.
Expert Legionella Testing & Water Quality Analysis our laboratory testing of water quality analysis and microbiology services operate to strict quality control and UKAS accreditation standards to ensure accuracy and reliability.
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UKAS Acredited Water Sampling
We have been offering water M&E related services including legionella testing and the analysis of water samples for legionella bacteria for over 36 years

The services are Jargon-Free Interpretation and dont come with a list of remedial works just the fact and the information you need to comply with HSE, ACOP & CQC regulations

Unlike other laboratory testing services which simply present clients with the results of each test without interpretation, we are experts in the control of Legionnaires' disease and legionella bacteria. This means that we can explain in jargon-free language what the results of individual tests mean for you, your risk management activities, and how to resolve any problems that are identified in an effective and timely manner.

Adequate Water System Control

The periodic sampling and testing of water sources from man-made systems for the presence of legionella bacteria is a valuable means of demonstrating that adequate control over such a water system is being achieved.
The regular analysis of water samples from your taps which are suspected of being contaminated with bacteria is an important tool, used to identify possible sources of risk within a water system & in monitoring known problems. 

Regular Monitoring and the Routine Inspection of water systems

The UK's Health & Safety Executive (HSE) in their Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) L8, "Legionnaires' disease. The control of legionella bacteria in water systems" state that:
“ … Periodic sampling and testing for the presence of legionella bacteria may also be relevant to show that adequate control is being achieved. However, reliably detecting the presence of legionella bacteria is technically difficult and requires specialist laboratory facilities.”
Paragraph 68. HSE "ACOP L8".

Serogroup Identification

Qualified microbiological laboratories are experienced in the detection of legionella bacteria and, using specialist techniques they are able to identify specific serogroups in individual samples.


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