
Showing posts from 2015

Legionella & The Summer Stay Protected Hints and Tips

The Garden & Legionella Exposure 1. Dont leave hose coiled and attached to out-side taps. The water contained in the hose is full of Bacteria and will make you ill if you breath in in. 2. Hose again. Just let the water flush through. 3 or 4 mins, don't immediately put it to spray see No1 3. Tipping out compost pots etc wear a cheap paper mask. Legionella has been found in potting compost. 4. Water butts and stored standing water. Dosing standing water with 10 mls (cap full) of milton fluid or any baby bottle sterilising solution for every 20 lts will kill off any bacteria and not damage YOU or your plants when used on your garden. 5. Water Features dose with 10 mls (cap full) of milton fluid or any baby bottle sterilising solution for every 20 lts will kill off any bacteria and not damage YOU or your pump. The Holiday Hotels & Legionella Water Quality Exposure 1. Run all shower before you use them, Stand back and shut doors and give it a good 10 m
Essential information for providers of residential accommodation The revised Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) and guidance Legionnaires’ disease: The control of legionella bacteria in water systems has some important changes that could affect you as a provider of residential accommodation.  What are the changes to the ACOP?  The most significant change for you, as a provider of residential accommodation, is the removal of the 300 litre limit for hot and cold water services. This was an artificially chosen limit and its removal means that all premises with a water system are now within the scope of the revised ACOP. It is important you use the current version of the ACOP as it has been recently you can get this from the HSE web site for free updated Version April 2015. If you feel you need help you can obtain advice from a consultant :- What do I have to do to comply with the law?  You Must Assess the Ris

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Do I Need a Legionella Risk Assessment for a Domestic Property?

The HSE "Things To Consider" control of legionella Bacteria in Water Systems (L8)  is only relevant in circumstances where the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 applies, therefore most domestic property is exempt from regulation. Buy to let ? Multi occupancy student housing ? Rented property? If you rent your property then the landlord will be responsible. More information see below,  Who is responsible the landlord or the Tenant for managing legionella? Free Landlords Legionella Risk Assessment  Is the Landlord or the Tenant Responsible for Managing  Legionella This will ultimately be determined by the lease agreement but 99% of the time tenants who have sole occupancy of a building where they are also responsible for maintenance and repairs will be the person or persons on whom the statutory duty falls. Where there are multiple occupants or where the landlord services and maintains the building, then the duty would usually fall to the landlor

The control of legionella bacteria in water systems HSG274

Legionnaires' disease. The control of legionella bacteria in water systems HSG274 Approved Code of Practice and guidance Free down load Date of publication: 2013 ISBN: 9780717666157 Series code: L8 (Fourth edition) This book is aimed at duty holders, including employers, those in control of premises and those with health and safety responsibilities for others, to help them comply with their legal duties in relation to legionella. These include identifying and assessing sources of risk, preparing a scheme to prevent or control risk, implementing, managing and monitoring precautions, keeping records of precautions and appointing a manager to be responsible for others. This fourth edition of the ACOP and guidance on regulations contains revisions to simplify and clarify the text. The main changes are removing Part 2, the technical guidance, which is published separately in HSG274, and giving the following issues ACOP s

New Water Treatment April 2015 Site Log Book

​   Blank 2015 year log Book.docx ​ Free Down Load for Water Treatment Site Log Book Here is the new Water treatment Log Book for 2017 You need to fill in the relevant pages. Remember you need yearly analysis from your hot and cold water systems. We offer a UKAs accredited postal service You may also need a yearly inspection which we can also do for you. Any questions or for a free comparable quote, training or analysis contact:- Alegion Water Ltd  0207 0975150
Legionella Yearly Inspection Requirements at a Glance HOT & COLD WATER SERVICES TEMPERATURE CONTROL REGIME L8 STANDARDS TO BE ADHERED TO (EXTRACTED FROM ACOP L8) Frequency Check Standard to meet Notes Weekly Little used outlets Flush through and purge to drain, or purge to drain immediately before use, without release of aerosols Monthly Sentinel Taps The water temperature should be below 20 ° C after running the water for up to two minutes The water temperature should be at least 50 ° C up to one minute of running the water This check makes sure that the supply and return temperatures on each loop are unchanged, i.e. the loop is functioning as required If fitted, input to TMV’s on a sentinel basis The water supply to the TMV temperature should be at least 50 ° C within a minute of running the water One way of measuring this is to use a surfa

Legionella Sampling by Post quick Easy and UKAS accredited results

Easy Postal Legionella Sampling Legionella &  TACC water quality test. The clear bottles with BLACK tops are Legionella or TACC (also called TVC tests) You fill these up to the top & screw on the black caps Which bottles are the right sample bottles ? Each bottle is dated & site reference number is already printed on the bottle.  Each bottle also states what tests is being done. Your Site Bottles Read The Labels on your site bottles These Labels will tell you where the samples are to be taken from These Labels tell you what you are sampling The sample bottles The bottles  an inhibitor agent to keep the inside of the bottle free of bacteria and neutralise the chlorine in the water sample. How to return the samples Check the bottles have the tops screwed on tight before you start packing them Place all the bottles in the A4 box and place the box in the pre-paid Royal Mail Courier Envelope or your own jiffy bag. Check the box is w