
Showing posts from April, 2015

Do I Need a Legionella Risk Assessment for a Domestic Property?

The HSE "Things To Consider" control of legionella Bacteria in Water Systems (L8)  is only relevant in circumstances where the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 applies, therefore most domestic property is exempt from regulation. Buy to let ? Multi occupancy student housing ? Rented property? If you rent your property then the landlord will be responsible. More information see below,  Who is responsible the landlord or the Tenant for managing legionella? Free Landlords Legionella Risk Assessment  Is the Landlord or the Tenant Responsible for Managing  Legionella This will ultimately be determined by the lease agreement but 99% of the time tenants who have sole occupancy of a building where they are also responsible for maintenance and repairs will be the person or persons on whom the statutory duty falls. Where there are multiple occupants or where the landlord services and maintains the building, then the duty would usually fall to the landlor