FAQ What if my building does not have any stored water ? The Bottom Line

Legionella Risk Assessments & Stored Water

A legionella risk assessment is a document, designed to identify areas, of a water system, that may be attributed to bacterial growth. An assessment will identify every part, of the system. An assessment will also include areas such as:
  • Management responsibilities, including the name of competent person and a description of the system.
  • Any current measures, in place, to control risks, including an analysis of their effectiveness, since the last assessment.
  • New monitoring, inspection and maintenance procedures in accordance with ACOP (L8) : 2007 (including 2010 updates remember these change again in Nov 2013).
  • Survey and analysis of stored Hot & cold water tanks, calorifiers and point of use water heaters
  • A comprehensive schematic drawing of the entire water system.
  • Recommendation for remedial action and the next review dates.
  • What if my building does not have any stored water ?
  • You will still need an assessment but may not require certain monitoring because you do not store hot or cold water. If you down load one of our free Legionella Risk Assessments and using this as a guide, to make a very basic assessment. You can then decide, if you need expensive or un-necessary Legionella consultation. Mains cold and hot water fed by combi boiler systems or mains fed point of use hot water heaters are very low risk and may not require a wide and expensive survey. 
  •  ow.ly/kP88o this is the link to our  free Legionella Risk Assessment. Fill in as much as you can. Then give us a call we will be able to tell you what you should be doing next
To book a risk assessment, call your nearest office 0131 208 5150  0151 528 5150 or 0207 097 5150


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