How to protect yourself from Legionella when on holiday

How to stop getting Legionaires type chest infections when on Holiday 

Why ?

Because its not uncommon for some hotel rooms to be vacant for long periods. 

When water in pipes is not flowing/used, this allows bacteria to breed in the pipework. The first sign you would know is a few days after arriving in you hotel, you acquire a cough or tight chest. This could be a sign that the shower you took on the first day did not only refresh you but infected you.

How to flush without exposure

Most importantly, you might get wet and get some water sprayback, so place a towel on the floor. Look for the shower cap or small plastic bag and cover the end of the shower head.

1. Take the showerhead off the holder
2. Place the shower head down onto the shower tray (dont worry if it does not reach )
3. Let the water drain out of the shower head and hose
4. Now switch on the shower mixer putting it as hot as it will go but noy past the red over ride button
5..Be careful not to breathe in any spray or scald yourself. 
6. Purge the shower & head by running two to three mins of hot flow to remove any stagnant water from your hotel room`s pipework and hoses 

By doing the above you may protect yourself and any other shower users from breathing in  any bacteria which may be living in the pipework.

Showers, tap etc.
Remember to always run your hotel rooms shower and taps thoroughly before use


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